Astérix and the Missing Scroll


Ferri, Jean-Yves (1959-....). Auteur

Conrad, Didier (1959-....). Illustrateur

Edité par Sphere. [S.l.] - 2016

1 vol. (48 p.) ; 28 x 21 cm

ISBN : 1-510-10046-6

Fait partie de la série : Astérix , 36

Fait partie de la collection : ASTE

Asterix, the Gaul is back for more funny, fast-paced adventure in this cheeky and energetic comic, the New York Times bestselling thirty-sixth Asterix album. Julius Caesar has finished writing the history of his campaigns in Gaul. His publisher, Libellus Blockbustus, foresees a huge success ... but there's a snag. The chapter about Caesar's defeats by the indomitable Gauls of Armorica. Cut it, Blockbustus advises, and everyone will believe that Caesar conquered all Gaul! Or will they? Newsmonger and activist Confoundtheirpolitix takes the chapter to Asterix's village. Can the Gauls make sure the truth is revealed? Multi-million selling Asterix is much loved across the world, perfect for children age 7-11 and hilarious for kids and parents alike. Following in the footsteps of Goscinny and Uderzo, the thirty-sixth Asterix album by Ferri and Conrad is a number 3 New York Times bestselling title.

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De Gaulle à la plage / Jean-Yves Ferri

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En été 1956, alors que la France s'enfonce dans une grave crise, le général de Gaulle est à la plage avec son aide de camp et son berger allemand, le fidèle Wehrmacht.

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La fille de Vercingétorix / texte Jean-Yves Ferri

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Asterix and the Griffin / writeen by Jean-Yves Ferri

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Fait partie de la série : Astérix , 39

Be the first to read the next action-packed adventure from the indomitable Gauls by pre-ordering now! Follow Asterix and Obelix as they set out on their 39th adventure on a long journey in search of a strange and terrifying creature. Half-eagle, half-lion, and idolised and feared by ancient peoples, this creature is the griffin. How will Asterix, Obelix, Dogamatix, along with the Druid Getafix, get drawn into the epic, perilous quest to find th...

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Asterix and the Griffin / writeen by Jean-Yves Ferri | Ferri, Jean-Yves (1959-....). Auteur

Asterix and the Griffin / writeen by Jean-Yves Ferri

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Fait partie de la série : Astérix , 39

Be the first to read the next action-packed adventure from the indomitable Gauls by pre-ordering now! Follow Asterix and Obelix as they set out on their 39th adventure on a long journey in search of a strange and terrifying creature. Half-eagle, half-lion, and idolised and feared by ancient peoples, this creature is the griffin. How will Asterix, Obelix, Dogamatix, along with the Druid Getafix, get drawn into the epic, perilous quest to find th...

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Astérix and the Missing Scroll / written by Jean-Yves Ferri

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Fait partie de la série : Astérix , 36

Asterix, the Gaul is back for more funny, fast-paced adventure in this cheeky and energetic comic, the New York Times bestselling thirty-sixth Asterix album. Julius Caesar has finished writing the history of his campaigns in Gaul. His publisher, Libellus Blockbustus, foresees a huge success ... but there's a snag. The chapter about Caesar's defeats by the indomitable Gauls of Armorica. Cut it, Blockbustus advises, and everyone will believe that ...

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Asterix and the Picts / written by Jean-Yves Ferri

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Le plus célèbre des Gaulois embarque pour un voyage épique vers une contrée riche de traditions, l'ancienne Ecosse, à la découverte des Pictes, un peuple de redoutables guerriers aux multiples clans

Asterix and Obelix all at sea / Albert Uderzo | Uderzo, Albert (1927-2020)

Asterix and Obelix all at sea / Albert Uderzo

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Fait partie de la série : Astérix , 30

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